If you agree to use our legal services, would like to collaborate, or simply have a question that you think we can answer, please contact us by filling out the contact form below.

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To keep in touch

11 + 3 =

After receiving the request, one of our lawyers will return with an answer in maximum 3 hours during working hours (between 8:30 and 17:30)

Contact Information

HEADQUARTERS: Calea Dorobanti no. 182, Bucharest District 1, postal code 010583, phone 0723658844, phone / fax 021.3303100, e-mail office@ionescu-asociatii.ro.

SECONDARY HEADQUARTERS: Blvd. Gheorghe Șincai no. 12, bl. 12, floor 1, ap. 6, Bucharest District 4, postal code 040317, e-mail office@ionescu-asociatii.ro.